TVDSB Releases Expense Total from the Off-Site Planning Meeting

Posted On Thursday September 12, 2024
Chair Beth Mai and Interim Director Bill Tucker have released the following statement: 
The Thames Valley District School Board is dedicated to upholding the trust that the public places in us and is committed to maintaining transparency and accountability.
In the interest of this, we are releasing the expenses associated with the off-site planning meeting in Toronto, which has totalled $38,444.92. This total includes transportation, hotel, meeting spaces and food expenses. After reviewing the details of the expenses, the hotel and meeting spaces were booked in February and the penalty to cancel the booking was 90% of those costs.
This has been a learning experience for the TVDSB and will not happen again.
Interim Director Tucker will be closely monitoring all expenses moving forward to ensure compliance with policies, procedures and the Board Motion passed in June that read:
THAT all professional development opportunities, travel, and catered events must be reviewed to ensure cost effectiveness and alignment with TVDSB's strategic plan.  Expenses must be saved where possible by considering location, transportation, and catering efficiencies as required.
The Board is in the process of reviewing and making changes to expense policies and procedures through the appropriate process to align with the motion passed by the Board.
Thames Valley District School Board is committed to ensuring that public funds are used in a way that manages resources effectively and in the best interest of our students.

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